A Crash Course in Starting A YouTube Channel

Hey friends,

This might be a bit of a rambly update about YouTube that's mostly centered around my thinking – my apologies in advanced if you're not interested.

So over the last month or so, I've been focused on publishing 2 videos a week on my YouTube channel.

And it's started off better than I expected.

The second video I uploaded suddenly got like 150 views out of nowhere. And then I had another video get 1000+ views which has netted me 129 subscribers (as of today.)

I don't think too much about the popularity of the individual videos, but I am interested in what the audience is searching and curious about.

The fact that I could get 129 subscribers in the last 30 days or so, from a channel with no videos, and very little video editing skills, has confirmed in me that people are interested (probably because of the results I've achieved as a programmer.)

Since the last update I posted on this blog, I've decided to double down on this YouTube thing and let go of posting on LinkedIn to balance my workload.

The Nature of Playing The YouTube Game

Finding an audience on YouTube is about consistently creating value for a group of people.

Succeeding on YouTube is simple, but not easy. It can be summarized as "create videos that people want to click on and keep watching."

So most of the game is about creating titles, thumbnails, and compelling hooks and intros to draw the reader in... and making sure the videos are engaging enough throughout that people will stick around till the end.

Now, I'm at the phase where I'm thinking about how to take this YouTube thing to the next level. Here are my current plans that I want to pursue in the immediate term (next 2 weeks):

  • Outsource editing
  • Do some exercises around figuring out my unique value proposition on YouTube

And once I find a good editor that I can work together with long term, I will probably begin focusing my efforts on finding a qualified assistant to help me with:

  • Keeping tabs on YouTube analytics
  • Titles / Thumbnails idea generation
  • Administrative work of managing the channel

For me, I'm at a place in my life where I don't really have the time or the energy to completely commit and invest into the YouTube channel myself. So the ideal set up that I'm going for would look like:

  • Write every day
  • Record 2 videos a week, upload it, and the assistant takes care of the rest
  • Meet with an assistant once a week to:
    • Discuss video ideas and keep tabs on the channel

I have no idea if this is a realistic possibility, but I don't see why it wouldn't be as long as I'm willing to part ways with some cash to bring on some help.

This will also free up my time to work on projects that actually drive the business forward, since a YouTube channel by itself is not really a self-sustaining business.

Anyways, that's what I've been working with over the last month or so. I also got really sick several times so I haven't been able to do much else 😩

Ok, thanks for checking in. I'll keep you posted on my progress again soon!