Starting a business used to be expensive before the internet.

  • Selling physical products requires inventory, storage, and and a store.
  • Selling a service that goes to people's homes requires a vehicle and tools for the job.
  • Acquiring customers at scale meant paying for advertising.

On the flip side, starting a business in the digital era is cheap and more effective.

  • Creating digital content only requires some skill, effort, and consistency.
  • Distribution of content is free on social platforms. Building an audience is a natural byproduct of these platforms.
  • You can then validate ideas before investing in them to bring them to market.

Social platforms are designed to make content of interest for each user more discoverable for them. In other words, these platforms are designed specifically to make your content reachable.

Taking this insight into account, I've begun my business by doing two things:

  1. Began writing daily using a free Typeshare account to leverage social platforms to reach an audience.
  2. Started work on my own YouTube channel with existing video gear I already have.

The total cost to begin all of this was a whopping $0.

My point is this. There's no financial excuse to starting something if you have an itch to start it.

This is something I had to personally overcome as I had always thought that that a failed business would be a financial failure. I've come to realize this is not necessarily true. You can try things out for free in today's digital economy.

How To Start a Business for $0