Have you ever come across an idea that made you question your own beliefs and made you start behaving differently right away?

I had this experience recently.

The book "Millionaire Fastlane" by M.J. DeMarco taught me that working a job is a poor trade.

I never thought of it as a poor trade, but rather just a fact of life as it's what most of us accept. It's a poor trade since you trade the most valuable resource, time, for a lesser valuable resource, money. Instead of only working a job, I can use my time to build systems that are inherently valuable because they provide value to others.

This single insight changed the course of what I plan to spend my time on over the next few years.

I need to be writing online to be valuable to others. I need to be working on my own projects. I need to be starting my own businesses.

Ever since this insight, I have:

  • Spun up a business
  • Began writing daily (More on why this is important in another post.)
  • Come up with several business ideas to take action on in 2022.

If you've been feeling an itch to start something, I say go for it. See what you can do without taking huge risks. Try to win small and validate your concept.

Take action in 2022 on that thing you've been wanting to try. See what you can make of it. Happy new year!

Your Time Is More Valuable Than What You Get Paid For Working a Job. Here's Why.